Don't worry, there won't be flannel, or rather, there won't be much flannel.

Friday, July 15, 2011


You know, I don't think people realize just how inspiring fashion can be. I just received via the local library, the book by Scott Schuman, the Sartorialist. I blogged about him a while back. He has a website where he daily posts a photo, but he also published a book back in 2009. I opened it to the first page and bam! Love it.

Here is a delightful quote by this delightful man:
"We tend to think that to achieve great personal style someone must have perfect clarity about who they are and what they stand for. I politely disagree. I think conflict about who you are often leads to even greater expression. That is why young people, or the young at heart, are those that inspire or move fashion forward. They are still struggling to find themselves: "Am I rocker? A footballer? Or a little bit of both?" These contradictions produce the most interesting looks."

This is so inspiring and not at all in a lame way. The person he is talking about is me in many ways. Am I rocker? A footballer? Okay, I am not a footballer, I do know that much. But that mixing and matching of clothing, the delving into the closet each day and asking what am I today? certainly leads to some interesting pairings. 

Then I came across this equally delightful blogger, Miss Moss, who had this amazing post the other day, where she put pictures by photographer Tommy Ton next to paintings by Yago Hortal. Yeah, I have never heard of these names either, but it is amazing looking at the completely different pieces of art and think that they had to have the same muse. Beautiful work on both sides; beautiful work by Miss Moss for putting these together. check it out:

These are my inspirations for today and hopefully they inspire you in some way.

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